Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Film WOW!!!

These are some older images from my learning curve years ago. I was fortunate enough to get to work and live in a amazing place being the Aspen valley. These images are of Swamp Dog a Bonedale local. What a great day and look back in time for myself.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


this is just a small grouping of work from last summer. I was lucky enough to get to work with a team from the Denver area. Brian "Yella" Gavagan and crew went out with me for a few weeks. These images are from some hard work and fun times.
I hope you enjoy.

Its not All that!!!!

This is from on outing with some friends to work on a shred zone. Days of shooting are lots of work and also frustrating . This is just a bit of it all. Fun days with friends.

Monday, April 19, 2010

A bit of Travel

Hello All,
This are just a few images from times of travel. As a photographer I have to be on the road at times and look for different things to shoot during down time. These images are a mix of the past years of fun times.

Just a few more to view.

Hello again,
I am trying to let everyone out there get a chance to view images and voice there word.
Here a re a few more skate images from last years work.

The time is now!!

Hello To all,
It has taken some time to get my things together meaning some images. These are a grouping from last summers work with the Affiliate skateboard company team. It was a awesome month of work with a great group of Friends. The days would start off early for myself and get the crew together by 12 or 1. Then it was on!! Pretty much hammer time till late into the night. We would go from the north side of Chicago to the dirty south side. Those were wild nights. Anyway there are a mix of images I really like and even some of my friends have seen before. Please enjoy them and feel free to let me know what you think. Please be honest, that will stoked me out more.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The New year is coming!!!!!!

Hello all,
it has been a very up and down year for me. I have been working on finally getting my website up and running. This is a lot more work than I ever thought it would be, every time I get something going I get pulled away and lose my direction. On that note I had to get back into the kitchen world and it was a great experience but a time to realize that I need to continue with the photography that I love. Well thats all for now and I hope you look forward to what there is to come in the next year.

Action is the foundational key to all success.
Pablo Picasso